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Disability History Snapshots

The Covid Disability Archive
Submit to the Covid Disability Archive and become part of disability history.

Daisy Holder
Feb 22, 20222 min read
A Intro to Disability History
Many people have asked me over the last few months for a good place to start learning about disability history, but arguably, there isn't...

Daisy Holder
Oct 30, 20205 min read
The Covid Disability Archive
EVEN NEWER AND MORE IMPROVED: Go to for this same information but with a more logical domain! There is a...

Daisy Holder
Sep 17, 20206 min read
The Law According to Disabled People (in the UK)
I've decided to write a few quick primers to disability history, as I haven't written anything here for a while since I've been working...

Daisy Holder
Jun 20, 20206 min read
Lockdown History: Now That Everything Is Suddenly Accessible
While this pandemic has put a spanner in the works of a lot of academic historical projects, mine included, it has vastly increased the...

Daisy Holder
May 27, 20209 min read
The Disability History Glossary, or The History of Disability Words.
EVEN MORE OF A CONTENT WARNING THAN ABOVE. This post is made up of historical terms for disability of which many are considered extremely...

Daisy Holder
Apr 27, 20206 min read
Mesmerism: When Leeches in the Eyes Doesn't Work
Ever wondered where the terms "mesmerising" and "animal magnetism" come from?
Well you're about to find out anyway so shut up.

Daisy Holder
Mar 19, 20205 min read
Before All Else, An Ugly Face: Ye Ugly Face Clubb of Liverpool
Hey look, this isn't about the Coronavirus! Ugly Clubs were an invention of the long 18th Century (generally covering the time between...

Daisy Holder
Feb 25, 20203 min read
"Polio Between the Ears" Cartoons of the Polio Chronicle
This post has been a long time coming (it's actually not even technically the one you're waiting for, it's an interim one) but what do...

Daisy Holder
Jan 3, 20202 min read
The 8 Days of DisHist-mas!
This was originally written for Twitter in the 8 days leading up to Christmas (it was originally going to be the traditional 12 days but...

Daisy Holder
Dec 6, 20197 min read
Disability History Month: Why "You've Never Had It So Good" is Actually Bullshit
While the theme for this year's Disability History Month is Leadership, Resistance and Culture, for this post I'm going a slightly...

Daisy Holder
Sep 1, 20196 min read
The Deaf Men Responsible for Space Travel: The Gallaudet 11.
If I was more prepared and organised, I would have researched and written this in time for the 50th anniversary of lthe Apollo moon...

Daisy Holder
Aug 19, 20194 min read
The Disabled, Quaker Oats and a Bastard: The Story of the Measles Vaccine.
This post comes to you on the day that it has been announced that here in the UK, we have lost our "measles free" status. This is a very...

Daisy Holder
May 17, 20199 min read
Baby John Bollinger and The Black Stork: One of the Worst Films I've Ever Seen
Unfortunately there was no way I felt I could put off talking about eugenics any longer. As much as I would love to stick to the stories...

Daisy Holder
Mar 21, 20197 min read
The Chatham Chest (not someone's nickname)
This post is a little earlier than usual, it didn't require as much digging as usual! I might try and add something else in before the...

Daisy Holder
Feb 28, 201910 min read
An Extremely Selective History of Pain Relief (Volume 1)
Pain relief and the availability of them is very 'in’ right now, with all the talk of the opioid crisis and the very real problems that...

Daisy Holder
Dec 20, 20185 min read
The Lute, the Hurdy Gurdy and the Magic Harmonica: The blind minstrels of Ukraine
This is my first post here on disability history. Of course I feel like I'm not at all experienced enough for this but I don't think...
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